Hello, my name is Jasna, and I am an academic, linguist, and dedicated learning designer. Drawing upon my extensive teaching and learning design experience in the tertiary sector, as well as my previous involvement in media, I am committed to fostering engaging and interactive learning experiences that cater to various subjects and diverse learners.

I began my journey as an accidental learning designer, but my passion for modern educational technologies and a strong focus on teaching and assessment quality led me to pursue the Graduate Certificate in Learning Design from the University of Technology (Sydney, Australia) in 2022.

Jasna Novak Milic, profile photo

I loved your class (…) H5P really does enrich your live class, with being able to do the embedded quiz questions together and discuss. And for students to go back over and do this again in their own time. Fabulous.

Cathy, Learning Designer

Hybrid Flexible Design (HyFlex)

During my pursuit of the Graduate Certificate in Learning Design, I had an eye-opening revelation: I had been implementing hybrid-flexible (HyFlex) design for my students long before I even knew the term existed. Learn more about my journey and experiences in this area and how I became recognized for my expertise in HyFlex and blended synchronous design within my current workplace. Learn more.

Interactive elements

Interactive elements such as quizzes, interactive images and videos, online games, and similar components are an integral part of every well-designed teaching material. They are not merely decorative but contribute to the memorization of the learned content, encourage student interaction and participation in the learning process, and can also be enjoyable. In my primary field, language teaching, they are an essential part of every design, and it is personally important to me that they are equally applicable in both classroom settings (online or face-to-face) and for independent learning. Learn more.